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New Look Same Clothing III


I’m so happy my bother still likes the looks I’ve been creating for him, it’s incredible the number of infinite combinations you can do with what you already have!

This time I decided to go for a more stylish look.

As usual a chose the shirt, my bother has so many that is better to star with that and then combine different pants, shoes, sweaters and jackets.

The shirt I choose is so cool, it is blue and it has small Polka Dots in a lighter blue, the best thing about this shirt is that it has a hidden pattern, when you get closer to it you can appreciate small squares all over the shirt even in the small circles, clever right?

Now I get why my brother is so fond of blue, he looks great in that color, this time I gave him a chance to wear blue, (also I realized I’m going to run out of color options at a certain point so I decided to start with blue already).

The weather has changed a lot this last weeks, I decided to add a jacket (I don’t want my bother to catch a cold). When I opened my brothers closet I found this gorgeous burgundy jacket, of course I made my mind about the jacket right away, I’m so crazy about burgundy, I even recently bought a pair of burgundy pants (I’ll tell you more about that in another post). This jacket was really nice it had a sporty style, like a less formal blazer.

I love the combination of jacket and a pair of jeans, especially when you contrast dark denim and burgundy, like I did this time.

Last but not least I chose the shoes, yellow suede shoes, I remember when my brother bought this shoes, we were walking by Via della Spiga in Milan when he visited me and we found ourselves in front of the Car Shoe store. He looked at the window and like a hawk he chose his pray, this pair of yellow Driving Shoes.

Car Shoe is one of the most emblematic Italian shoe brands, they are famous thanks to their emblematic moccasins with the rubber studs sole, or “gommino”, the brand was established in 1963, they opened the Via della Spiga store in 2001 when Prada bought most of the brand and renewed the image but kept the essence.

When I create a look I like to accessorize it, belts are a basic for guys, their outfits include belts, if they don’t use them it seams like something is missing, in this case I chose a tan leather one.

To finish my bothers look I selected a pair of wood shades, they are a tendency right now, eco-friendly materials and production processes are here to stay.

Let’s see what I come up with next time.

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My Brother's Look

Jacket: Coen, Jeans:Original Penguin, Shirt: Christian Lacroix, Shoes: Car Shoe, Belt: Cos, Shades: Shwood, Watch: Full Spot

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